• Resources

    Sample Paper (May 31 Version)

    This is the sample paper corresponding to the latest exam format, updated on May 31, 2024. If you have a version prior to this date, please download the latest version.

    Updated on May 14, 2024. The syllabus is a guide for IPsyO competition questions.

    Recommended Readings

    In addition to the official study materials from IPsyO, students may also opt to use publicly available psychology textbooks for their study and preparation. Here are a few book recommendations provided for your reference (these are not the specified books for the test, nor do they represent the exam's content scope). Students can select these or other resources according to their own preferences and needs.


    For general psychology:

    • "Psychology" by David G. Myers
    • "Psychology: A Concise Introduction" by Richard A. Griggs

    For research methods:

    • "Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information" by Beth Morling
    • "Research Methods in Psychology" by John J. Shaughnessy