Q&A on the 2024 IPsyO Exam Format and Scope

Dear students,



As the registration for the 2024 IPsyO is about to close, we’ve received several inquires regarding the exam format and scope. Here are some clarifications to help you prepare.


Q1: Will the three types of questions be in a single exam session, or will they be divided into three separate sessions? Is there a separate time limit for each type of question?

All three types of questions will be in a single exam session, with no separate time limits for each section. The total exam duration is 150 minutes, and you can decide the order in which to answer the questions and how to allocate your time. You can modify your answers anytime before submitting the exam within the 150-minute period.


Q2: The Official Syllabus and the Official Study Material on IPsyE do not completely align. Which one should be followed for the exam scope?

The Official Syllabus serves as a guiding outline, while the Official Study Material provides more specific learning content. For the IPsyO exam, the Official Study Material will be more targeted. However, this does not imply that the exam content will be strictly confined to the Official Study Material.


Q3: Will experimental design, data analysis, and simulated counseling be tested in a single question, or will there be three separate questions?

These topics fall under the IPsyO Application Question. The exam will feature ONLY ONE application question, which will cover ONE of these areas—either experimental design, data analysis, or simulated consultation.

Q4: The Virtual Therapy section of IPsyE is multiple-choice. If simulated counseling is tested in IPsyO, will it be in multiple-choice or free response format?

As mentioned, simulated counseling is part of the IPsyO Application Question. Therefore, if it appears on the exam, it will be in a free-response format.


Q5: Is there a word count requirement for short-answer questions and application questions?

While there’s no minimum word count, there will be a maximum word limit specified for each question. This limit will be specified in the question itself, so please refer to the specific requirements during the exam.


We hope these answers help clarify your concerns. If you have any further questions about the IPsyO exam, please contact us. Good luck with your preparations!


Best regards,

IPsyO Team